- Randy was furious about the nasty letter.
The Perverse Politics of Four-Letter Words: Risk and Pity in the Securitisation of Human Trafficking
Self-report: psychology's four-letter word
Empiricism Is Not a Four-Letter Word
"Race"is a four-letter word : the genesis of the concept
When love is just a four-letter word: victimization and romantic relationships in adolescence.
Failure is a four-letter word:a parody in empirical research
“Omega is a Four-Letter Word”: Toward a Tension-Centered Model of Resistance to Information and Communication Technologies
The importance of being first: A tachistoscopic study of the contribution of each letter to the recognition of four-letter words
Rigor Is NOT a Four-Letter Word.
Is "Processed"a Four-Letter Word? The Role of Processed Foods in Achieving Dietary Guidelines and Nutrient Recommendations