- She picked up a pink flower from a foxglove.
FoxgloveFoxgloveFOXGLOVECardenolide biosynthesis in foxgloveAn Account of the Foxglove and Some of its Medicinal UsesPoisoning with foxglove extract: favorable evolution without Fab fragmentsPOLLINATOR FORAGING ON FOXGLOVE (DIGITALIS PURPUREA): A TEST OF A NEW MODELGenetic transformation of foxglove (Digitalis purpurea) by chimeric foreign genes and production of cardioactive glycosides.A non-fatal case of intoxication with foxglove, documented by means of liquid chromatography-electrospray-mass spectrometryGlandular trichome exudate is the critical factor in geranium resistance to foxglove aphidRegeneration and cardiotonic glycoside production in Digitalis davisiana Heywood (Alanya Foxglove)RAPD variation within and among natural populations of outcrossing willow-leaved foxglove (Digitalis obscura L.)Seed Maturity and the Effects of Different Drying Conditions on Desiccation Tolerance and Seed Longevity in Foxglove (Digitalis purp...