Wewalked throughahighhallwayintoabrightrosy-colored space, fragilely bound into the housebyFrenchwindowsat either end.
The algorithm makes usesof theinvariantbefore and afterJPEGcompression, which thewatermark issemi-fragilelyembeddedinDCTdomain and the keyissteadilybidedin thecarriersimultaneously.
Why sustainability is so fragilely ‘social’…
Concurrent Watermarking Scheme for Robust and Fragile Authentication of 3D Animation Content
Membrane fusion without cytoplasmic fusion (hemi-fusion) in erythrocytes that are subjected to electrical breakdown
A Semi-fragile Watermarking for Image Authentication Based on JPEG
MCC helps build flood-resistant houses in Vietnam
Strategic spatial projects : catalysts for change
A look on the organization of work teaching hospital in class
A Generation Full of Worry and Hope
Inspiration in Verse; Poetry and Prose Comfort and Uplift Us. Here, We Print a Selection from Eight New Anthologies
Research on Property of Bilayer Films of Multi-arc Ion Ti(C,N)/Ti Plating