The Balance-of-Payments Problems of a European Free-Trade AreaWTO accession, the “Greater China” free-trade area, and economic integration across the Taiwan StraitThe Process of the Building the China-Korea Free-Trade AreaTrade in services for international visitors:the leader of construction of China and ASEAN free-trade areaTransport policies for the Euro-Mediterranean free-trade area : an agenda for multimodal transport reform in the Southern Mediterran...ASEAN Free-Trade Area Discussions on Including China, Japan, and South KoreaThe USA proposes a free-trade area with SACUNAFTA at 20: North America’s Free-Trade Area and Its Impact on AgricultureThe ASEAN Free-Trade Area: Backwards or ForwardsTax Obstacles for the Development of an Effective Euro- Mediterranean Free-Trade Area: an IFTA model for the European Union?