- An aircraft powered by a conventional propeller and supported in flight by a freewheeling, horizontal rotor that provides lift.
FreewheelFreewheel exercise training modifies pro- and anti-apoptotic protein expression in mouse splenic lymphocytes.Freewheel running prevents learned helplessness/behavioral depression: role of dorsal raphe serotonergic neurons.A pseudo-CCM/DCM SIMO switching converter with freewheel switchingA pseudo-CCM/DCM SIMO switching converter with freewheel switchingFast-Transient PCCM Switching Converter With Freewheel Switching ControlFreewheel training decreases pro- and increases anti-inflammatory cytokine expression in mouse intestinal lymphocytes.Freewheel running selectively prevents mouse CD4+ intestinal lymphocyte death produced after a bout of acute strenuous exercise.Voluntary freewheel running selectively modulates catecholamine content in peripheral tissue and c-Fos expression in the central sym...Digitally controlled integrated pseudo-CCM SIMO converter with adaptive freewheel current modulation