- Let us also intend that the blessings only go unto those who can receive them, allowing each their freewill choice in the dance of life.
让我们也意愿祝福只去向那些能收到它们的人,容许生命之舞中每一个人自由意志的选择。 - Can divide the inside space freewill,more convenient to store foods.
可对包内进行任意的分割,更有利于食品的储放。 - Cricket recommends working with all four elements through one's field daily to assist in the conscious freewill choice to ascend.
Free will
Free will
Free will
Freewill and Moral Responsibilty
Freewill and Moral Responsibility
Is `Freewill' a Pseudo-Problem?
Fate and FreeWill in Error Traces
Fate and FreeWill in Error Traces
Freewill: An Exploration of Postmodern Shakesperian Cinema (Thesis Not Received)
The supervenience of truth: freewill and omniscience
The compatibility of divine foreknowledge and freewill
An RSA-based (t, n) threshold proxy signature scheme with freewill identities
Ralph Cudworth: A Treatise Concerning Eternal and Immutable Morality: With a Treatise of Freewill