- Another factor that affects the mass measurements is the frication effects on the beam movement.
Frication noise modulated by voicing, as revealed by pitch-scaled decomposition.
Duration of frication noise required for identification of English fricatives
Voice onset time, frication, and aspiration during stutterers' fluent speech
Voice onset time, frication, and aspiration in word-initial consonant clusters
Identification of frication by normally hearing and hearing‐impaired children
Effect of relative amplitude of frication on perception of place of articulation.
The role of vowel transitions and frication noise in the perception of Polish sibilants
Jongman, A. Duration of frication noise required for identification of English fricatives. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 85, 17181725
The contribution of vowel duration, F0 contour, and frication duration as cues to the /juz/-/jus/ distinction.
Fricated realisations of /t/ in Dublin and Middlesbrough English: an acoustic analysis of plosive frication and surface fricative co...