fuck off vt. 犯错误(离开);滚蛋
shut the fuck up闭上鸟嘴;他妈的给我闭嘴
fuck all一点儿也没有;绝无
- Yeah, that's what I thought. Stay the fuck away from her.
- I swear to god, if you don't fuck her, I'll kill myself!
我对天发誓, 如果你不干她, 我就自杀给你看! - This bloody company keeps fucking me about.
这倒霉的公司一直亏待我。 - They'll just fuck you over if you let them.
你要是这样让着他们,回头儿他们非骑在你头上拉屎不可。 - You're fucking well coming whether you want to or not.
- She's a good fuck.
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