
  • n.

    富拉人(西非黑人和含米特人混血血统的穆斯林牧民);富拉语(西非、属尼日尔—刚果语)[亦作 Fulah, Ful /fu:l/];

  • 英英释义

    Fula[ 'fu:lɑ: ]

    • n.
      • a member of a pastoral and nomadic people of western Africa; they are traditionally cattle herders of Muslim faith


      • a family of languages of the Fulani of West Africa and used as a lingua franca in the sub-Saharan regions from Senegal to Chad; the best known of the West African languages




    Finger rehabilitation system
    The neglected role of antibody in protection against bacteremia caused by nontyphoidal strains of Salmonella in African children.
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    Spectral analogy between temperature and velocity fluctuations in several turbulent flows
    On negative retentions in organic solvent nanofiltration
    Organization and management of ATLAS offline software releases
    Average wavelength of organised structures in the turbulent far wake of a cylinder
    Conditional Reynolds stress on a V‐grooved surface
    Reconstructive operations for esophagogastric corrosive lesions.
    Conditions and configuration metadata for the ATLAS experiment