edible fungus食用菌;木耳
chinese caterpillar fungus冬虫夏草
white fungus n. 银耳,白木耳
- My roses were suffering from fungus.
我的玫瑰受到真菌的侵害。 - This is evidently a xerophytic fungus.
它显然是一种旱生真菌。 - There are many different types of fungus all over the world.
世界上有多种不同类型的霉菌。 - Here is an Aspergillus fungus ball in a dilated bronchus.
The genome sequence of the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea
The genome sequence of the filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa
Oxidation of persistent environmental pollutants by a white rot fungus.
Extracellular biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles using the fungus Fusarium oxysporum
'Glomus intraradices DAOM197198', a model fungus in arbuscular mycorrhiza research, is not Glomus intraradices
Taxol and taxane production by Taxomyces andreanae, an endophytic fungus of Pacific yew.
Coevolved Crypts and Exocrine Glands Support Mutualistic Bacteria in Fungus-Growing Ants
Genome sequencing and analysis of the biomass-degrading fungus Trichoderma reesei (syn. Hypocrea jecorina)
Corrigendum: Genomic sequence of the pathogenic and allergenic filamentous fungus Aspergillus fumigatus
Two divergent intragenomic rDNA ITS2 types within a monophyletic lineage of the fungus Fusarium are nonorthologous.