injection mold注塑模具
mold temperature模具温度,成型温度;铸模温度
mold making机械模具
casting mold铸型,铸模
mold cavity模穴;铸模型腔;结晶苹
sand mold砂型,沙模
rubber mold橡胶模;橡皮铸型
mold steel模具钢;型模钢
permanent mold永久铸模;金属铸模
open mold敝模,明浇铸型
mold base模胚,模架;塑胶模座;型基体
mold core型芯;模芯
mold release脱模剂;脱模
plaster mold石膏模型
die mold压模,压铸模
permanent mold casting金属型铸造;冷硬铸造
blow mold吹制模
green sand mold湿砂模;湿砂型
gypsum mold石膏模型
compression mold压模
- Pictures help you to form the mental mold.
想象有助于你形成思想模式。 - Chiefly the mold of a man's fortune is in his own hands.
一个人的命运模式主要是由自己决定的。 - We need more people of his mold.
我们需要更多他那种类型的人。 - And then you put them in a mold.
然后把它们放到一个模子里。 - They are cut from the same mold.
他们是一个模子刻出来的. - The mathematical mold is more closed to actual gas emission .
这个数学模型更接近瓦斯涌出的实际情况。 - Too much rain may blight the garden with mold.
雨水太多会令花园因长真菌而枯萎。 - Many wild flowers grow in the forest mold.
- West culture has been molded by the Bible.
西方文化的形成受到《圣经》的巨大影响。 - Are mold lines indexing or continuous?
有标定指数的制模线吗? - Bread tends to mold in damp weather.
- The cheese molded in the damp cellar.
乳酪在潮湿的地下室中长了霉。 - I am looking for a pair of shoes that mold to my feet.
Practice-based research--"Blue Highways"on the NIH roadmap.
Maternal alloantigens promote the development of tolerogenic fetal regulatory T cells in utero.
The major receptor for C-reactive protein on leukocytes is fcgamma receptor II.
Regulation of complement activation by C-reactive protein
Critical Loss of the Balance between Th17 and T Regulatory Cell Populations in Pathogenic SIV Infection
Tryptophan Catabolism by Indoleamine 2,3-Dioxygenase 1 Alters the Balance of TH17 to Regulatory T Cells in HIV Disease
C-reactive protein: ligands, receptors and role in inflammation.
Unique role of the complement receptor CR1 in the degradation of C3b associated with immune complexes
Differentiation of normal marrow and HL60 cells induced by antithymocyte globulin.
The role of oxidative processes in the cytotoxicity of substituted 1,4-naphthoquinones in isolated hepatocytes.