Gadid FishesResiliency of gadid stocks to fishing and climate changeThe Miocene gadid fish Palimphemus anceps Kner, 1862: a reappraisalDescriptive Key to the Otoliths of Gadid Fishes of the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort SeasMolecular systematics of gadid fishes: implications for the biogeographic origins of Pacific speciesSpinal and facial innervation of the skin in the gadid fish Ciliata mustela (Teleostei)Positive Darwinian selection at the pantophysin (Pan I) locus in marine gadid fishesDietary niche partitioning in sympatric gadid species in coastal Newfoundland: evidence from stomachs and C-N isotopesMyxosporean gall bladder parasites of gadid fishes in the North Atlantic: Their geographical distributions and an assessment of thei...Identification of larval and juvenile Canadian Atlantic gadoids with comments on the systematics of gadid subfamilies