- He is gainfully employed.
Gainfully employed? An inquiry into bidi-dependent livelihoods in Bangladesh.
Attitudes are alive and well and gainfully employed in the sphere of action.
Gainfully Employed? Assessing the Employment and Earnings of For-Profit College Students Using Administrative Data
[A study on subjective symptoms of fatigue in gainfully occupied couples].
Risk factors of early menopause in two generations of gainfully employed French women
Influence of alcohol consumption on hepatic function in healthy gainfully employed men.
Incidence of testicular cancer and occupation among Swedish men gainfully employed in 1970
From the burn unit's perspective, it's lethal not being gainfully employed outside the home! A glimmer from the National Burn Reposi...
Work-related factors associated with age at natural menopause in a generation of French gainfully employed women
Country Studies on the Financing of Vocational Training with Particular Reference to Continuing Training for the Gainfully Employed:...