- The molybdenum ore bodies favorite skarn, with molybdenite commonly enriched at the concentration of garnet, in dissemination or veinlets.
钼矿体多产于夕卡岩内,辉钼矿常于石榴石集中处富集,呈浸染状或细脉状。 - Our tribute to the January birthstone reflects the glorious hues of the garnet and brings happy wishes for your very special birthday month.January Garnet?
GARNET: A detailed on-chip network model inside a full-system simulator
Melting of Garnet Peridotite and the Origin of Komatiite and Depleted Lithosphere
Garnet-orthopyroxene and orthopyroxene-clinopyroxene relationships in simple and complex systems
The garnet-clinopyroxene Fe-Mg geothermometer — a reinterpretation of existing experimental data
A possible role for garnet pyroxenite in the origin of the “garnet signature” in MORB
A garnet–hornblende geothermometer: calibration, testing, and application to the Pelona Schist, Southern California
An experimental study of the effect of Ca upon garnet-clinopyroxene Fe-Mg exchange equilibria
VATS wedge resection of the lung using the neodymium:yttrium-aluminum garnet laser
Experimental calibration of the partitioning of Fe and Mg between biotite and garnet
Light emitting device having a nitride compound semiconductor and a phosphor containing a garnet fluorescent material