Hisgarrulousnesscausedmajorpublicrelationsproblemsas1995 drew towards a close.
Hisremotenesswas punctuatedbyflightsofgarrulousnessaboutouterspaceandgeopoliticaltrends,childishpranks,andunpredictableeruptionsofanger.
Analysis on Garrulous Zhang Damin's Happy Life
Assessment of physical activity by questionnaire and interview
5 – On Fluency
Electronic interactive gaming apparatus, system and methodology
Military-related traumatic brain injury and neurodegeneration ☆
Assessment of physical activity and energy needs.
The Voices of Morebath: Reformation and Rebellion in an English Village by Eamon Duffy
Interaction of Biogenic Amines with Ethanol
All the Presidents' Words
Judicial Power and the Politics of the People