gather together集合在一起,聚合
gather in收集;尽量收集进来
gather information搜集信息
gather up收集起;蜷缩;概括
gather data收集数据
gather round聚集
gather experience积累经验
- Large and small businesses sold popcorn wherever crowds gathered.
大大小小的商家在人群聚集的地方卖爆米花。 - In Japan, the largest number of glass factories are gathered in Otaru.
小樽是日本最多玻璃工房聚集的城市。 - When the enemy press-gangs men,we help the men to escape or join in the people's efforts to redisperse the men who have been gathered by the enemy.
System for automatically updating personal profile server with updates to additional user information gathered from monitoring user'...Living Real Begins Today Gathered around a dinner table one evening with a 30-ish set from New York who were Googlers and magazin...The whole world gathered in one place. Pliny’s vision of Rome as a museumAscertainment of Partially Rich Oil Gathered Blocks of Low Permeability in Yanchaug Group of East Gansu AreaWhat's Driving Mexico-U.S. Migration? A Theoretical, Empirical, and Policy AnalysisCannabis dependence and psychotic symptoms in young peopleAn Unfolding Model of Voluntary Employee TurnoverBemerkung zur Quantelung des harmonischen Oszillators im MagnetfeldGrain Size Analysis of Massie’s Creek Near Flax Pond and Community ParkCost Based Prioritization of Overhaul Process Improvements