generic term通用术语;地理通名
generic type类属型
generic name属名;总名称;通用名称
generic algorithm n. 泛型算法;通用算法
generic drug学名药;通用名药;副厂药
generic programming泛型编程;范型程序设计
- The generic term for wine, spirits and beer is alcoholic beverages.
葡萄酒、烈性酒、啤酒的通称是酒精类饮料。 - To run the test now, see Run the Generic Test.
若要立即运行测试,请参见运行一般测试。 - Instead, it's a kind of generic publication that stands for all of the potential publications in your set.
相反,它是一种通用出版物,代表您可能使用的所有出版物。 - It is designed like a generic Roman basilica, with three aisles and an apse.
它设计得像一座普通的罗马长方形基督教堂,有三条走廊和一个半圆形的后殿。 - Generic simastatin has been stealing market share from Lipitor since it became aailable last year.
自从去年上市以后,普通的降脂药辛伐他汀就一直在与力普妥抢夺市场。 - Those sales will then collapse as copycat products are churned out by the producers of generic drugs.
Methods for assessing condition-specific and generic functional status outcomes after total knee replacement
Generic Assignments, Strain Histories and Properties of Pure Cultures of Cyanobacteria
New, improved version of generic mapping tools released
A generic protein purification method for protein complex characterization and proteome exploration.
DeCAF: a deep convolutional activation feature for generic visual recognition
Lord C, Risi S, Lambrecht L, et al. The autism diagnostic observation schedule-generic: a standard measure of social and communicati...
Generic Assignments, Strain Histories and Properties of Pure Cultures of Cyanobacteria
PedsQL 4.0: reliability and validity of the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory version 4.0 generic core scales in healthy and patie...
Generic assignments, strain histories and properties of pure cultures of cyano- bacteria. Journal of General Microbiology 11: 1-61.
Generic Schema Matching with Cupid