- Genitalia adoration is the initial stage.
竹的生殖崇拜主要包括生殖器崇拜和生殖神崇拜。 - The diagnosis of ambiguous genitalia should be made early to assign sex and avoid psychologic disorders.
Sexual Selection and Animal Genitalia
Sexual selection and animal genitalia
Comparative evidence for the evolution of genitalia by sexual selection
Male-female conflict and genitalia: failure to confirm predictions in insects and spiders.
2 Previous hypotheses: their status to date : Sexual Selection and Animal Genitalia
An Evolutionary Question. (Biology Syncretized: Sexual Selection and Animal Genitalia)
Evolution of animal genitalia: patterns of phenotypic and genotypic variation and condition dependence of genital and non-genital mo...
Verrucous carcinoma. Clinical and pathologic study of 105 cases involving oral cavity, larynx and genitalia
One Size Fits All? Relationships Between the Size and Degree of Variation in Genitalia and Other Body Parts in Twenty Species of Ins...
Mutation of ARX causes abnormal development of forebrain and testes in mice and X-linked lissencephaly with abnormal genitalia in hu...