Advanced glycation end products as biomarkers and gerontotoxins - A basis to explore methylglyoxal-lowering agents for Alzheimer's d...The Search for the Genetic Basis of Aging: The Identification of Gerontogenes in the Nematode Caenorhabditis elegansPeroxiredoxins, gerontogenes linking aging to genome instability and cancer.Polymorphisms in the apolipoprotein E (APOE) gene in gerontopsychiatric patientsFollow-up 15 years after a geronto-psychiatric prevalence study. Conditions concerning death, cause of death, and life expectancy in...Gerontopsychological studies using NAI (‘Nürnberger Alters-Inventar’) on patients with organic psychosyndrome (DSM III, Category ...Gerontotecnologia educativa voltada ao idoso estomizado à luz da complexidade Gerontotecnología educativa para el adulto mayor ost...CONCEPÇÕES TEÓRICO-FILOSÓFICAS SOBRE ENVELHECIMENTO, IDOSO, VELHICE, ENFERMAGEM GERONTOGERIÁTRICAConcepções teórico-filosóficas sobre envelhecimento, velhice, idoso e enfermagem gerontogeriátrica Concepciones teórico-filsóf...O ensino da Enfermagem Gerontogeriatrica e a complexidade