- It was in ancient times that the thought of pedagogical pragmatics began to gestate and form.
A gerbil dam's fetal intrauterine position affects the sex ratios of litters she gestates.The Healthy Pregnancy Strategy: Tackling Obesity As It GestatesFatores que interferem na adesao de gestates com HIV/AIDS a terapia anti-retroviralGingivitis del embarazo: concentración de estrógenos y progesterona en gestates del primer trimestreTHE OCTUPLETS MOM GESTATES HER HOLLYWOOD CAREERMãe saudável, gestante doente : a ambivalência vivenciada por gestates com toxoplasmoseThe advanced theory gestates the advanced partyHylleraas Basis Calculation of the Doubly Excited 1,3Ge States in Heliumlike Ions7aAS-2 Interband Interaction between Surface Resonance States and Ge StatesInterband interaction between Ge states and surface resonance band of Pb on Ge(001)