Camellia tip-dieback, a new disease caused by cold injury to shoot-tips when flower buds are opening, particularly gibbed flower buds.Material gathering and loading machineC-H···X−R (X = Cl, Br, and I) Hydrogen Bonds Drive the Complexation Properties of a Nanoscale Molecular BasketOccurrence and survival of the larval nematode Anisakis sp. in the flesh of fresh, frozen, brined, and smoked Pacific herring, Clupe...Apparatus for annealing merchant barsMachine for applying protective heads to nailsKerf-cutting machineAlternativ produksjon av matjessild. Del 2: NVG sildAlternativ produksjon av Matjessild. Del 1: NordsjøsildPrinciples Involved in the Preservation of Fish by Salt