The Gibeonite Deception: Reflections on the Interplay between Law and Narrative in Josh 9The Gibeonite ExceptionDavid’s Monarchy and the Gibeonite ClaimGibeonite Ruse and Israelite Curse in Joshua 9Gibeon and israelThe Sanctuary of the Gibeonites RevisitedCruel Justice, Responsibility, and Forgiveness: On Levinas's Reading of the GibeonitesON THE FAVOURABLE TREATMENT OF GIBEON BY DAVID AND SOLOMONAn Attempt to Determine the Location of Beeroth / בארות — לאור הגבול בין בנימין לאפריםBīt Ninurta = Beth Horon — On the History of the Kingdom of Jerusalem in the Amarna Period / בית-נינורתה = בית-חור...