glancing blow侧击
glancing incidence掠入射;切线入射
- The glass hit him a glancing blow on the forehead.
Glancing-incidence x-ray fluorescence of layered materials
Advanced techniques for glancing angle deposition
Glancing-angle extended x-ray-absorption fine structure and reflectivity studies of interfacial regions
Glancing angle deposition: Fabrication, properties, and applications of micro- and nanostructured thin films
Porous broadband antireflection coating by glancing angle deposition
Sculptured thin films and glancing angle deposition: Growth mechanics and applications
Novel Nano-Column and Nano-Flower Arrays by Glancing Angle Deposition
Ultrahigh vacuum glancing angle deposition system for thin films with controlled three-dimensional nanoscale structure
Photoemission and glancing‐angle extended x‐ray absorption fine‐structure studies of vacuum‐deposited Al...
Brett, M.J.: Sculptured thin films and glancing angle deposition: Growth mechanics and applications. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 15(3), ...