- There was a glint of humor in his eyes.
他的眼里闪出幽默的神情。 - He had a wicked glint in his eyes.
- With inward dismay I noted his eyes glint with interest.
我内心惊愕地注意到他的眼神中闪烁着充满兴趣的光芒。 - The gold was glinting in the sunlight.
Scanning-laser glint measurements of sea-surface slope statistics
A Theory of Target Glint or Angular Scintillation in Radar Tracking
Correction of Sun glint Contamination on the SeaWiFS Ocean and Atmosphere Products
Robust Preprocessing for Kalman Filtering of Glint Noise
IMM tracking of maneuvering targets in the presence of glint
Technical note: Simple and robust removal of sun glint for mapping shallow﹚ater benthos
An interacting multiple model approach for target tracking with glint noise
An interacting multiple model approach for target tracking with glint noise
Remote sensing of total precipitable water vapor in the near‐IR over ocean glint
Calibration of the AVHRR visible and near-IR bands by atmospheric scattering, ocean glint and desert reflection