Gnomic: A dictionary of genetic codes
Divine Providence and the Gnomic Will Before Maximus
Geometrical form and gnomic growth in the bivalved Mollusca
10. Paradox, Simile, and Gnomic Utterance in Heraclitus
A New Gnomologium: With Some Remarks on Gnomic Anthologies (I)
10. Paradox, Simile, and Gnomic Utterance in Heraclitus : The Pre-Socratics A Collection of Critical Essays
Proverbal evidentiality: On the gnomic uses of the category of status in languages of the Balkans and the Caucasus
Sharing Ancient Wisdoms: On Preparing a Digital Hyperedition of Greek Gnomic Collections
Enhanced Software for Displaying Orthographic, Stereographic, Gnomic and Cylindrical Projections of the Sunpath Diagram and Shading ...