Goings and comingsGoings and comingsGoings and comingsIn this edition: • From the Director's Desk • AwardsThe comings and goings of nucleotide excision repair factors on damaged DNARNA Polymerase-Promoter Interactions: the Comings and Goings of RNA PolymeraseThe comings and goings of actin: coupling protrusion and retraction in cell motility.Comings and goings of global glaciations on a Neoproterozoic tropical platform in NamibiaThe comings and goings of homing endonucleases and mobile intronsThe comings and goings of a Y polymorphismThe (be)comings and goings of ‘developmental disabilities’: the cultural politics of ‘impairment’A ciência e as idas e voltas do senso comum Science and the comings and goings of common senseThe comings and goings of MHC class I molecules herald a new dawn in cross-presentation