What is interactivity and is it always such a good thing? Implications of definition, person, and situation for the influence of int...FOR THE GOOD OF OTHERS: CENSORSHIP AND THE THIRD-PERSON EFFECTWhat Makes for a Good Day? Competence and Autonomy in the Day and in the Person:Internalism and the Good for a PersonUsing Career-Related Aspects to Elicit Preferences and Characterize Occupations for a Better Person–Environment Fit ☆ ☆☆ ★Studio Based Learning: Proposing, Critiquing, Iterating Our Way to Person-Centeredness for Better Classroom Management"It is good for my family's health and cooks food in a way that my heart loves": qualitative findings and implications for scaling u...Concern for the common good in an N-person game.Tanzanian midwives' views on becoming a good resource and support person for postpartum women.The Nonidentity Problem and the Two Envelope Problem: When is One Act Better for a Person than Another?