- Her looks are beyond comparison.
她的美貌无与伦比。 - Her good look gave her a pull over other girls.
她的美貌使她与其他女孩相比占了优势。 - Her made-up face looks less attractive.
她涂脂抹粉的脸庞看上去反倒不如原来漂亮了。 - That pretty girl looks like a possible pickup.
Good looks
Good looks
It is rare to find a person who has never enjoyed a cool, creamy, glass of milk. In this blog I hope to explain to you why you shoul...
Curse These Good Looks! | I Look Younger Than I Am
Good looks may help: Effects of helper's physical attractiveness and sex of helper on males' and females' help-seeking behavior.
"Good looks do not help": Effects of helper's physical attractiveness and expectations for future interaction on help-seeking behavi...
Through the looking glass: good looks and dignity in care
When good looks kill: An examination of consumer responses to visually attractive product design
The Economic Returns to Good Looks and Risky Sex in the Bangladesh Commercial Sex Market
For appearance' sake : the historical encyclopedia of good looks, beauty, and grooming
From Good Looks to Good Thoughts: Popular Women's History and the Invention of Modernity, ca. 1830-1870
Wood-filled plastics they need the right additives for strength, good looks & long life