- When Vakula first set eyes on the Perfect One, taking note of the handsomeness and perfection of the Tathagata's visible body, he became strongly infatuated.
Handsomeness and Brilliance's Permanence Under the Viewpoint of Multi-criteria for Beauty
Handsomeness May Be A Hindrance, As Rob Lowe Gripes, But He's In A Class By Himself
How Would Jane Austen Have Seen Male Handsomeness -- and Therefore Health?
Death, Truth, and Sinfulness: Of Various Characters and Scenes in Ramón del Valle-Inclán’s Comedias bárbaras
Le sens d'une forme : les noms en -ness dans Lady Chatterley's Lover
Beauty and the Labour Market: An Article Critique On Hemermesh and Biddle's
A political candidate's brand image scale: Are political candidates brands?
Combinative handlebar grip for bicycles or the like
Men who advertise for sex.
On Universals