- The child was delighted with the bauble she had won in the grab bag.
这孩子非常喜欢摸彩袋赢得的那个小玩意儿。 - For those who like to give goodie bags, many have gender-specific grab bags ready to go.
Grab bag
Grab bag
URGENT: Mountaintop removal threat on spending bill
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Il diletto di Gesù : distinto con sette prerogative, proposte alle considerazioni de' suoi divoti /
Grab Bag: Eye to Eye
Key West Map (Wedding Welcome Bag Goodie)
Controls on basalt terrace formation in the eastern Lesotho highlands
Morphology, ecophysiology and phenology of four alpine Helichrysum species
Super Gold Grab Bag is back, bundles 50% off! | First Page | Forum | Gaia Online
A dressed bag model study of the final-state $NΔ$ interaction in photoproduction processes off the deuteron
New Types of Meson-Exchange Currents in Few-Nucleon Systems Based on Dressed-Bag Model for NN Interaction