Gracile tract degeneration in patients with sensory neuropathy and AIDS
Neuropathology of gracile axonal dystrophy (GAD) mouse
GRACILE syndrome, a lethal metabolic disorder with iron overload, is caused by a point mutation in BCS1L.
How different are robust and gracile capuchin monkeys? An argument for the use of sapajus and cebus.
The South American gracile mouse opossums, genus Gracilinanus Gardner and Creighton, 1989 (Marmosidae, Marsupialia): a taxonomic rev...
Submodality segregation and receptive-field sequences in cuneate, gracile, and external cuneate nuclei of the cat.
Projections to the inferior olive of the cat II. Comparisons of input from the gracile, cuneate and the spinal trigeminal nuclel
Explosive Pleistocene range expansion leads to widespread Amazonian sympatry between robust and gracile capuchin monkeys
Organization of the Mitochondrial Genome of a Deep-Sea Fish, Gonostoma gracile (Teleostei: Stomiiformes): First Example of Transfer...
Organization of the mitochondrial genome of a deep-sea fish \textit{Gonostoma gracile} (Teleostei: Stomiiformes): the first example ...