Grasshoppers and LocustsGrasshoppers and LocustsGrasshoppers and LocustsBiological control of locusts and grasshoppers.Grasshoppers and locusts; a handbook of general acridology - v. 2: Behaviour, ecology, biogeography, population dynamicsOntogenetic Shifts in How Grasshoppers Interact with Landscape Structure: An Analysis of Movement PatternsGrazing Intensity and the Diversity of Grasshoppers, Butterflies, and Trap㎞esting Bees and WaspsTests of Pleistocene Speciation in Montane Grasshoppers (Genus melanoplus) from the Sky Islands of Western North AmericaSlow aging during insect reproductive diapause: why butterflies, grasshoppers and flies are like worms.COEVOLUTION OF COLOR PATTERN AND THERMOREGULATORY BEHAVIOR IN POLYMORPHIC PYGMY GRASSHOPPERS TETRIX UNDULATA