lubricating grease滑脂;润滑脂;润滑膏
grease the wheels v. 使顺利进行;贿赂
oil and grease油脂
grease lubrication n. 滑脂润滑;油脂润滑
lithium grease[化]锂基润滑脂
elbow grease费力的工作;重活
grease gun黄油枪,滑脂枪
silicone grease硅脂;硅润滑脂
high temperature grease高温润滑脂;高温润滑油
grease spots 油斑(纸病)(grease spot的复数)
Greasing Membrane Fusion and Fission Machineries
Greasing the palm: can collectivism promote bribery?
Greasing the wheels of bank lending: Evidence from private firms in China
Greasing the wheels? The impact of regulations and corruption on firm entry
Greasing their way: lipid modifications determine protein association with membrane rafts.
Greasing the Wheels: Using Pork Barrel Projects to Build Majority Coalitions in Congress -
Greasing the wheels of Abeta clearance in Alzheimer's disease: the role of lipids and apolipoprotein E.
Greasing the Wheels: Using Pork Barrel Projects to Build Majority Coalitions in Congress by Diana Evans
Lipid metabolism and vesicle trafficking: more than just greasing the transport machinery
Dynamic simulation of cardiolipin remodeling: greasing the wheels for an interpretative approach to lipidomics