Statistical Estimates and Transformed Beta Variables. by Gunnar BlomGunnar Johansson: Configurations in event perceptionJohan Gunnar Andersson 3/ 7 1874-5/ 11 1960, in memoriamEconomic Theory and Under-Developed Regions by Gunnar MyrdalThe Political Element in the Development of Economic Theory by Gunnar Myrdal; Paul StreetenAn american dilemma : the negro problem and modern democracy / by Gunnar MyrdalGunnar Eriksson. The Atlantic Vision: Olaus Rudbeck and Baroque Science. Uppsala Studies in History of S...Karl Gunnar Persson: Grain Markets in Europe, 1500–1900. Integration and Deregulation, Cambridge, New Y...Jens Lachmund and Gunnar Stollberg (eds), The social construction of illness: illness and medical knowledge in ...Krogh A, Larsson B, Heijne GV, Sonnhammer ELL. Predicting transmembrane protein topology with a hidden Markov model: application to ...