gypseousgypseousVISCOUS AND ELASTIC FLOW MODULE FOR GYPSEOUS SALT CREEP AND FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSESGeotechnical properties of lime-treated gypseous soilsSedimentological and morphological characteristics of gypseous coastal nabkhas on Bubiyan Island, Kuwait, Arabian GulfThermoluminescence dating on gypseous dunes of Lake Amadeus, central AustraliaAt what depth are properties of a gypseous forest topsoil affected by burningHydro-physical responses of gypseous and non-gypseous soils to livestock grazing in a semi-arid region of NE SpainImpact of wetting–drying cycles on the microstructure and mechanical properties of lime-stabilized gypseous soilsAt What Depth Are The Properties of a Gypseous Forest Topsoil Affected By Burning?