- He also tested the first rocket controlled by a gyroscope.
他还试验了第一枚用陀螺仪控制的火箭。 - This paper is a experimental report about Characteristics of the tracking rates of the gas-dynamic free rotor gyroscope.
Micromachined vibratory rate gyroscope
Micromachined Z-axis vibratory rate gyroscope
Compass and Gyroscope: Integrating Science And Politics For The Environment
A micromachined comb-drive tuning fork rate gyroscope
Rotation sensing with a dual atom-interferometer Sagnac gyroscope
Single-chip surface micromachined integrated gyroscope with 50°/h Allan deviation
Precision Rotation Measurements with an Atom Interferometer Gyroscope
A threshold-based fall-detection algorithm using a bi-axial gyroscope sensor
Accelerometer and rate gyroscope measurement of kinematics: an inexpensive alternative to optical motion analysis systems
Measurement of stand-sit and sit-stand transitions using a miniature gyroscope and its application in fall risk evaluation in the el...