- What should haemorrhoid notice in dietary respect?
痔疮在饮食方面应该注意什么啊? - How can you let haemorrhoid haemorrhage stop?
[Haemorrhoid].Prospective randomized multicentre study comparing stapler haemorrhoidopexy with Doppler-guided transanal haemorrhoid dearterializat...Randomized clinical trial of symptom control after stapled anopexy or diathermy excision for haemorrhoid prolapse (Br J Surg 2010; 9...Solo operated haemorrhoid ligator rectoscope A report on 200 consecutive bandings*Haemorrhoid surgery revisedHaemorrhoid surgery revised. Lancet 355:1648Prey Records of the Web-Building Spiders Dictyna segregata (Dictynidae), Theridion australe (Theridiidae), Tidarren haemorrhoidale (...Postoperative analgesia for haemorrhoid surgery.Anatomical basis for impotence following haemorrhoid sclerotherapyIncreased mast cell density in haemorrhoid venous blood vessels suggests a role in pathogenesis