- At the police department, the phone rang. “Hallo, hallo!” the policeman answered.
警察局的电话响了,警察接起电话说:“喂!喂!” - Hallo, Susi, actually, we have already meet.
The context of Scripture
Laser-matter interaction in the bulk of a transparent solid: Confined microexplosion and void formation
Laser-induced microexplosion confined in the bulk of a sapphire crystal: evidence of multimegabar pressures
From counting to cuneiform
Transportation and recreation: a case study of visitors driving for pleasure at Acadia National Park
Studies on targets for inertial fusion ignition demonstration at the HiPER facility
The Star of Redemption
Hydrodynamic and symmetry safety factors of HiPER's targets
Experimental observations and modeling of nanoparticle formation in laser-produced expanding plasma
Impaired Th1 immunity in ovarian cancer patients is mediated by TNFR2+ Tregs within the tumor microenvironment.