The Hangnest Dolerite Sill, S.AGeochemistry of Karroo dolerite sills in the Calvinia district, Western Cape Province, South AfricaThe Pleistocene avifauna of Arredondo, FloridaSome Microfilariæ found in the Blood of Birds dying in the Zoological Gardens, 1920–1921Geochemical analysis of the hydrothermal bitumen from the Lipowa dolerite sillBird's nestContinued bird surveys in southeastern coastal Brazilian Atlantic forests and the importance of conserving elevational gradientsMETHOD FOR HIGHLY-EFFICIENT CULTIVATION OF STANDARD WASP COLONY, AND NEST-BUILDING APPARATUSMethod and apparatus for locating personnel and objects in response to telephone inquiriesColoniality in the Yellow-rumped Cacique as a defense against nest predators.