Earth-boring bit having an improved hard-faced tooth structureCrack propagation in a hard-faced AISI type 304 stainless steelHard-faced glass fibre: synthesis and characterizationTheoretical and experimental estimation of the working life of machine parts hard faced with austenite-manganese electrodesDetermina¬tion of the cooling rate and its influence on the hard-faced forging dies propertiesInfluence of the Hard-Faced Layer Welded on Tangential-Rotary Pick Operational Part on to Its Wear RateExperimental Determination of Residual Stresses in the Hard-faced Layers after Hard-facing and Tempering of Hot Work Steels ☆Effect of Molybdenum on Wear Resistance of Cr-Nb Hard-Faced S355JR SteelMicrostructural Examinations of Fe-W-B Base Hard-Faced SteelImproving the fracture toughness and wear resistance of hard-faced hot-rolling-mill rolls