The harelipped king: a pre-Colombian ceramic statue over 2000 years old.[The logic of a traditional health belief: solar eclipse and pregnancy in Ocuituco, Mexico]Three MirrorformsPREVALENSI LABIOSCHISIS DI RSUP. PROF. Dr. R. D. KANDOU MANADO PERIODE JANUARI 2011 – OKTOBER 2012As If We Were PreyHavoc II round 6 Packet by Chuhern HwangThe Histological Observation and Comparation of Several Congenital Malformation Fetal Skeletal MusclesThe Determinism of the Main Characters in Greene's "A Gun for Sale"and Hauptmann's "Vor Sonnenaufgang"Interpreting religio-ethnic humor on the Balinese stageToward Defining Comprehension: A First Report