Harmattan dust deposition in northern NigeriaLipids in Harmattan aerosols of NigeriaHarmattan dust deposition and particle size in GhanaNature and Distribution of Harmattan DustThe nutrient input by Harmattan dust to a forest ecosystem in Côte d'Ivoire, AfricaDeposition of Harmattan dust and its influence on base saturation of soils in northern GhanaOrganic matter of the troposphere—IV. Lipids in harmattan aerosols of nigeria ☆L'intelligence de la complexité : L'Harmattan, coll. « Cognition & formation , 1999, 332 p., 170 FRecovery of soil Amebas from the nasal passages of children during the dusty harmattan period in Zaria.Compte rendu de lecture: La gauche au pouvoir en Amérique Latine, La gauche au pouvoir en Amérique Latine, 2007, L’Harmattan, 278...