- The whale dived as the harpoon struck it.
鲸鱼被鱼叉射中后潜入水中。 - The fisherman transfixed the shark with a harpoon.
Harpoon:a flow-level traffic generator for router and network tests
HARPOON: an obfuscation-based SoC design methodology for hardware protection
Condensed Phase Laser Induced Harpoon Reactions
Harpoons and darts in the Stefánsson collection. Anthropological papers of the AMNH ; v. 14, pt. 2.
Penetrating craniocerebral injury from an underwater fishing harpoon
Transition state observation of excited harpoon reactions, within Ca‐HX van der Waals complexes
Selective excitation of the ion pair surface in the intracluster Ca–HCl* harpoon reaction
Accelerometry measurements using the Rosetta Lander's anchoring harpoon: experimental set-up, data reduction and signal analysis
Rotational and vibrational state distributions of NaH in the reactions of Na(4S2,3D2,and6S2) with H2: Insertion versus harpoon-type ...