用作动词 (v.)
~+名词- hate cabbage讨厌洋白菜
- hate drink讨厌饮酒
- hate hypocrisy痛恨虚伪
- hate milk讨厌牛奶
- hate one's enemy仇恨敌人
- hate the sight of sth讨厌看到某事物
~+副词- hate bitterly痛恨
- hate blindly盲目地恨
- hate deeply深恨
- hate easily容易生恨
- hate intensely强烈地憎恨
- hate really确实憎恨
- hate utterly极端憎恨
用作名词 (n.)
动词+~- develop hate产生反感
- feel hate感到可恨
形容词+~- bitter hate痛恨
- ancestral hate世仇
- constant hate深仇大恨
- consuming hate刻骨仇恨
- deadly hate不共戴天的恨
- heavy hate恨之入骨
- hideous hate可怕的恨
- immortal hate刻骨铭心的恨
- impious hate痛恨
- individual hate特殊的恨
- irrevocable hate无法磨灭的恨
- murderous hate不共戴天的恨
- particular hate特别厌恶的东西
- racking hate难忍的恨
- shameful hate可耻的恨
- steadfast hate深恶痛绝
- strong hate强烈的恨
- sullen hate忧郁的恨
- supernatural hate不可思议的恨
- unmistakable hate明白无误的恨
- unrelenting hate冷酷无情的恨
- unspoken hate无言的恨
- vanquished hate压抑的恨
- vigorous hate愤恨
介词+~- a look of hate敌意的目光
- full of hate充满敌意
- with hate憎恶地
~+介词- hate for lies对谎言的憎恨
- one's hate of injustice对不公正的憎恨
hate doing不喜欢做某事;讨厌做某事;与生俱来厌恶
hate crime n. 仇恨犯罪;憎恨犯罪
disgust, hate, dislike
- They hate each other.
他们彼此憎恨。 - I hate to squabble with my wife about money.
我厌恶为钱的事兴太太争吵。 - The boys hate doing homework on Sundays.
男孩们讨厌在星期日做家庭作业。 - She hates to be late for work.
- She looked at him with hate in her eyes.
她以憎恨的目光看着他。 - Plastic flowers are a particular hate of mine.
塑料花是我特别厌恶的东西。 - A hidden hate cropped out in her words.
Calcium, ATP, and ROS: a mitochondrial love-hate triangle.
Threatened egotism, narcissism, self-esteem, and direct and displaced aggression: Does self-love or self-hate lead to violence?
Why Americans Hate Welfare: Race, Media, and the Politics of Antipoverty Policy by Martin Gilens
'I think condoms are good but, aai, I hate those things': condom use among adolescents and young people in a Southern African township
Psychological sequelae of hate-crime victimization among lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults.
Hate crimes and stigma-related experiences among sexual minority adults in the United States: prevalence estimates from a national p...
The hemodialysis catheter conundrum: Hate living with them, but can|[rsquo]|t live without them
Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate ...
Hate in the counter-transference.
The love-hate relationship between bacterial polysaccharides and the host immune system.