Does light have an influence on fish growth?
Do soilless culture systems have an influence on product quality of vegetables?
Does high-field MR imaging have an influence on the classification of patients with clinically isolated syndromes according to curre...
Do seasons have an influence on the incidence of depression? The use of an internet search engine query data as a proxy of human aff...
Diet and the risk of breast cancer in a case-control study: does the threat of disease have an influence on recall bias?
Do maggots have an influence on bacterial growth? A study on the susceptibility of strains of six different bacterial species to mag...
Do Valine Side Chains Have an Influence on the Folding Behavior of β‐Substituted β‐Peptides?
Transhiatal and transthoracic resection in adenocarcinoma of the esophagus: Does the operative approach have an influence on the lon...
Do medical conditions have an influence on central retinal vein occlusions?
Does Water-Holding Capacity of Bark Have an Influence on Lichen Performance in Dieback-Affected Spruce Forests?