Scattering characteristics of high‐resolution meteor head echoes detected at multiple frequenciesA technique for calculating meteor plasma density and meteoroid mass from radar head echo scatteringEndothelin-1 stimulates motility of head and neck squamous carcinoma cells by promoting stromal-epithelial interactions.Transition Within Tradition: Women's Participation in Restoring AfghanistanSimultaneous dual-frequency observations of meteor head echoes using ALTAIRAngiotensin 1‐7 inhibits angiotensin II‐stimulated head and neck cancer progressionMeteoroid mass determination using head echoes detected at multiple frequenciesThe Influence of Forward Head Posture on Suprahyoid Activity During Oropharyngeal Swallowing: A Surface Electromyographic AnalysisRussian Roulette: The Murder of Journalist Anna Politkovskaya Ripples WorldwideMeteoroid mass determination using head echoes detected at multiple frequencies