- The heartening news spread all over immediately.
振奋人心的消息很快传遍四处。 - We still seem to make remarkably good decisions without consciously thinking, which is heartening in itself.
Heartening news for head muscle development
For Election Reform, a Heartening Defeat
Enoxaparin: heartening long-term effects in NSTE ACS
Heartening results: the CUPID gene therapy trial for heart failure
HAART in India: heartening prospects & disheartening problems.
Spain: leading role of scientists is heartening.
ADHD medications and cardiovascular risk: some heartening news.
The New Constitutional Order and the Heartening of Conservative Constitutional Aspirations
Antiretroviral therapy for HIV infection. Heartening successes mixed with continuing challenges.
Advantages of Ang II receptor blockade over ACE inhibition with respect to suppression of sympathetic activity: heartening news for ...