A heliocentric view of leptin
The heliocentric radial variation of plasma oscillations associated with Type III radio bursts
Shock‐associated energetic proton events at large heliocentric distances
Evolution of turbulent magnetic fluctuation power with heliocentric distance
Evolution of turbulent magnetic fluctuation power with heliocentric distance
Achieving Better Than 1 Minute Accuracy in the Heliocentric and Barycentric Julian Dates
Solar wind stream evolution at large heliocentric distances - Experimental demonstration and the test of a model
Optical Observations of Comet Hale-Bopp (C/1995 01) at Large Heliocentric Distances Before Perihelion
Evolution of Coronal Mass Ejection Morphology with Increasing Heliocentric Distance. II. In Situ Observations
Heliospheric tomography using interplanetary scintillation observations: 2. Latitude and heliocentric distance dependence of solar w...