- Do you need some help with those bags? Here, let me take the two large ones.
你需要帮忙拿些袋子吗?这样吧,我替你拿那两个大的。 - Karl's a real male chauvinist swine. Both he and his wife work full time, but he refuses to help with the housework.
卡尔可真是个大男子主义者,他妻子跟他一样上全班,可他却不愿帮忙做任何家务。 - I hope enough of you are prepared to help with the show.
我希望你们中能有足够的人手准备协助这场演出。 - May I help with the washing-up?
Indicators to help with capacity building in health promotion
Children's reluctance to seek help with schoolwork.
Self-help with minimal therapist contact for obsessive–compulsive disorder: a review
Plant genetic engineering may help with environmental cleanup.
How speech processing can help with beat-to-beat heart rate estimation in ballistocardiograms
Randomized trial of internet-delivered self-help with telephone support for pathological gamblers.
Pyridoxine-dependent seizures: new genetic and biochemical clues to help with diagnosis and treatment.
How information about other people's personal experiences can help with healthcare decision-making: a qualitative study.
Strategic options in development and analysis (SODA) - using a computer to help with the management of strategic vision
A push-pull approach to maximize vaccine efficacy: abrogating suppression with an IL-13 inhibitor while augmenting help with granulo...