- It is really just fibrinous pericarditis with hemorrhage.
但是它仅为纤维素性心包炎合并出血。 - The hemosiderin from the hemorrhage produces the grossly brown color.
Reduction of intracerebral hemorrhaging in a rabbit embolic stroke model
Hemorrhaging Associated With Endosseous Implant Placement in the Anterior Mandible: A Review of the Literature
Endovascular repair of an actively hemorrhaging gunshot injury to the abdominal aorta.
The failure of purified T-2 mycotoxin to produce hemorrhaging in dairy cattle
Methods for the prevention or treatment of vascular hemorrhaging and Alzheimer's disease
[Somatostatin in the treatment of hemorrhaging esophago-gastric varices. Controlled clinical trial in comparison with ranitidine]
Disruption of the Cbfa2 gene causes necrosis and hemorrhaging in the central nervous system and blocks definitive hematopoiesis
Effects of Aloe vera cream on chronic anal fissure pain, wound healing and hemorrhaging upon defection: a prospective double blind c...
Autotransfusion of blood contaminated by enteric contents: a potentially life-saving measure in the massively hemorrhaging trauma pa...
Infant rat model of the shaken baby syndrome: preliminary characterization and evidence for the role of free radicals in cortical he...